The Town of Centreville Municipal Court provides citizens with a fair and impartial court of law by interpreting and adjudicating applicable state laws and city ordinances.
Our pledge is to uphold this commitment and offer courteous customer service to all citizens.
The Centreville Municipal Court is located in the Centreville Police Department, 216 East Joseph Street, Centreville, MS. The Police Department is where you will go to pay fines, tickets, and acquire Police accident/crash reports, incicent reports and criminal history checks. The Police Department is open 24 hours a day, however for court services is available 8:00am until 4:00pm, Monday thru Friday. Our telephone number is 601-645-5917.
Call the Centreville Police Department 8:00am until 4:00pm Monday thru Friday for court dates and times.
When a defendant is arrested, the first court appearance is called an arraignment. This is where the defendant pleas guilty or not guilty. If the defendant pleas guilty, the Judge will sentence him/her. If he/she pleas not guilty, the defendant is given a new court date for a trial with the plaintiff (some times court is done the same night).
In most cases, the defendant represents himself/herself, or hires an attorney. In some cases that involve jail time, the defendant is given a choice of hiring his/her own attorney, or waiving his/her right to an attorney. If, because of poverty, the defendant cannot afford an attorney, the court will appoint one to represent him/her.
When the defendant appears in court, the Town Prosecutor will call the plaintiff and the plaintiff's witnesses and ask questions pertaining to the incident. Then, when he/she is finished, the defendant has the opportunity to ask questions. The Town Prosecutor and the plaintiff have to prove to the Judge, beyond a reasonable doubt, tha the defendant is guilty as charged. It is the Judge's decision on guilt or innocence. If the person is found not guilty, he/she is free to go. If he/she is found guilty, the Judge will sentence him/her, taking into consideration the defendants prior records. If the defendant is not satisfied with his/her trial, he/she can appeal the acse to th County Court. If the defendant wishes to file an appeal, he/she must do so within 30 days from th date of conviction.
Accident/Crash Reports may be obtained Monday thru Friday, 8:00am thru 4:00 pm at the Centreville Police Department, for a $10.00 fee.
If you have any questions regarding records, please cal 601-645-5917.
Anyone can file charges. When someone files charges, they essentially "swear out" an affidavit against another person. The affidavit is accompanied by a warrant. The warrant is not valid unless it is signed by the Judge. After the judge reviews the report and affidavit, he/she makes a "probable cause" determination. If he/she chooses, he/she will sigh the warrant. If he/she has a question, as to the validity of the charege, he/she may wait to find out more information. The affidavit or warrant must have identifyhing information, such as a date of birth, social security number or address, or a place of employment. This is to ensure tha when an arrest is made, it is the right person.
After the Judge signs the warrant, the warrant is put in an active warrant file and the person charged is subject to being arrested. After an arret is made, the peson must post a bond to get out of jail A bond is an amount of money that is put up, either by cash or by a bail bondsman, to ensure that the defendant is in court on his/her court date.
If a person does not show up for court, a Bench Warrant is issued. In some cases, the defendant's drivers license may be suspended. If a person doesn't pay a fine or comply with the orders of the Court, a Contempt Warrant is issued. When a subject is arrested by a Bench Warrant or a Contempt Warrant, he/she must pay cash to get out of jail. In the event a warrant is issued because a Court Order is violated, the defendant may not be able to bond until after his/her initial appearance with the Judge.
Fines assessed by the Court are paid at the Centreville Police Department. Payments can be made Monday thru Friday, during the hours of 8:00am and 4:00pm.

Law and Order