Water & Gas - Rates & Policies
Listed below, you will find the Town of Centreville current water rates and policies. If you do not find the information you need, please contact our office and we will provide it for you.
Should you experience a problem with your water, please call the phone numbers provided. We will do everything possible to locate the problem with your water.
To open a water or gas account, the customer must come into Town Hall located at 1 Municipal Drive to fill out an appication. Customer must have picture ID, deposit & connection fee (Deposit fee can not be paid with a credit/debit card). Applications are processed the same day, and water/gas is usually cut on the same day.
Customers with multiple accounts must have deposit for each meter.
Office hours are Monday - Friday 8:00am - 3:45pm to pay bills.
Water Deposit* | $200.00 |
Water Connection | $50.00 |
Gas Deposit* | $200.00 |
Gas Connection | $50.00 |
If needed:
Water Tap | $350.00 |
Gas Tap | $350.00 |
Sewer Tap | $350.00 |
Payment options:
In person: When paying your bill at the Town Hall, please bring your entire statement for proper valiation.
Mail: Please send payment with payment stub or your account number and service address. To the Town of Centreville, PO Box 578, Centreville, MS 39631. Please allow 7 business days if you choose to mail payment. Payment must be RECEIVED, NOT POSTMARKED, by the due date to avoid a late charge or disconnection.
Credit/Debit card: Payment by Credit/Debit card can be made in person at Town Hall or by phone to 601-645-5218. There will be a service charge for using Credit/Debit cards based on the amount paid.
Automatic Draft: Come to Town Hall, with a voided check, complete a draft application, and the monthly bill payment will b e deducted on the 15th of each month from your checking account.
To close a water/gas account, the customer must come in, email or fax a request to close the account. The account will normally close the same day. If a new billing month has started, customer will receive a statement for that month. Once the final bill is paid in full, deposit will be refunded.
Payment is due by the 20th of each month.
Payments made after the 20th will include a 10% late fee.
Accounts not paid by 3:45pm on the 4th of the following month will be disconnected and charged a reconnection fee of $50.00. NO Exceptions.
Please Note: Failure to receive bill does not exempt customers from late charges.
Water & Gas cut on/off time is 8:00am - 3:00pm
Accounts paid by 3:00pm will be cut on the same day.
Accounts paid after 3:00pm will be cut on the following work day.
Water customers not home and meter is running at time of connection will be left off but unlocked.
Gas customers are required to be present for gas to be connected.
Keep access to water/gas meters clear at all times for readings or inspection. Tampering of water/gas meters and valves are illegal and subject to fines and replacement cost if town equipment is damaged. Do not park or drive over meter boxes.
Only Town employees are to cut meters on and off.
*Water and Gas deposits are refundable once account is closed and final bill is paid in full.
Report leaks in street or meter boxes to 601-645-5218.
If leak is between the meter and the dwelling, it is the property owner(s) responsibility.
For billing questions or to report tampering please call 601-645-5218.

Our Meters